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I'm sorry, but this movie does not exist. #bestmovieever #voldemort #potterhead #harrypotter #cinema #dublado #720p #filosofalWhat to do with a Movie Title in Portuguese: The correct title is "Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal 720p Dublado". The "12" in the title is not an error. It means the movie was released in 2012. This blog post's introduction would read: "If you've ever been afflicted with writer's block, you'll know it's no laughing matter — it can impede your writing for days, weeks, or even months. The best cure for writer's block is often to simply write through it, and to force yourself to do so, the following tips might help: 1. Take a break from what you're writing. Go for a walk; stop thinking about it; grab lunch; watch a movie; hang out with friends — anything that gets your mind off the thing that's blocking you. 2. Write or talk about something completely unrelated." (You can change movies as often as you like.) Movie Title:Movie_Title_in_English The Correct Title:Movie_Title_in Portuguese (Brazil)http://www.rudy2be. com/2010/unusual-movie-titles com/books?id=O5pKtxqL1XAC&pg=PA111&lpg=PA111&dq=importance+dubious+movie+titles&source=bl&ots=-Fv7FEiUfI&sig=-wH5ooQXLkVlSGcNu3GKwS5Cqc&hl=en&sa=X&ei=0Bj-VN_MLYW40QTI_YDDgBA#v=onepage&q=importance dubious movie titles&f=false http://www. the Dubious Movie Title Generator movie titles: "Spiders (2007)" and "Sex and Lucia (2001)". They will also be translated: "A Aranha (2007)" and "Sexo e Lucia (2001). cfa1e77820